AUGUST 11, 2010
A Regular Session Meeting of the EAST HARTFORD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION was held in the Town Council Chambers, 740 Main Street, East Hartford, Connecticut on August 11, 2010.
The meeting was called to order at 8:54 p.m.
Anthony F. Kayser; Chairman;
Kathleen Salemi; Secretary;
John Grottole;
Paul J. Roczynski;
John Ryan;
Thomas Fitzgerald
Travis Simpson (Alternate)
Elaine Carey; Vice-Chairman;
Peter Bonzani (Alternate);
Mary Whaples (Alternate)
Also Present:
Michael Dayton, Town Planner
M. Denise Horan, Town Engineer
Chairman Anthony Kayser declared a quorum present. Chairman Kayser stated that Travis Simpson would be voting in place of Elaine Carey and that the Commission would be voting with seven members.
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Design Review Meeting – June 23, 2010
Upon a motion by Paul J. Roczynski, seconded by John Ryan, the Commission Voted (6-0) to Approve the above minutes. John Grottole did not vote due to his absence from the meeting.
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Regular Session Meeting – June 23, 2010
Upon a motion by Paul J. Roczynski, seconded by John Ryan, the Commission Voted (6 -0) to Approve the above minutes. John Grottole did not vote due to his absence from the meeting.
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Regular Session Minutes
August 11, 2010
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Under Section 601 to allow replacement of existing boat dock floats, platform,
stairs, piles, and associated ramp to an existing college boat house facilities on
land located at 55 Riverside Drive.
Assessor’s Map #10 Lot #4/PT
Applicant: Trinity College
Upon a motion by Kathleen Salemi, seconded by Thomas Fitzgerald, the Commission Voted (7 -0) to Approve the above major flood hazard development permit application with the following conditions:
- Final plans are to be signed and stamped (ink & impression) by the Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor licensed in the state of Connecticut who is responsible for the work.
- Provide separate plans for each application and label accordingly.
- Provide NRCS soil types on the plans per section 601.6.b.2 of the zoning regulations.
4. Provide erosion controls and details on the plans per section 601.6.b.5 of the zoning regulations.
5. Provide a construction sequence including erosion controls and final stabilization per section
601.6.b.6, 7, & 8 of the zoning regulations.
6. Revise the proposed plans to incorporate all recommendations outlined within Barney Baker’s
structural analysis and design evaluation.
7. Provide a copy of the structural analysis and design evaluation certified by a Professional
Engineer licensed in the State of Connecticut.
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION - 55 Riverside Drive, Replacement of existing boat
dock, ramp,piles, and associated ramp to an existing college boat house facilities.
Applicant: Trinity College
Upon a motion by Kathleen Salemi, seconded by Paul J. Roczynski, the Commission Voted (7 -0) to Approve the above site plan application with the following conditions:
1. Final plans are to be signed and stamped (ink & impression) by the Professional
Engineer and Land Surveyor.
2. Provide separate plans for each application and label accordingly.
3. Site plan bond set in the amount of $10,000.00.
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ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - from Industrial II (I-2) to Business I (B-1)
on 5.31 acres of land located at 329 Ellington Road, 550 & 552 School Street.
Assessor’s Map# 39 Lots# 65, 66, & 66A
Applicant: Acquisitions Holdings, LLC
Upon a motion by John Ryan, seconded by Paul J. Roczynski, the Commission Voted (7 -0) to Approve
the above zone change application with an effective date of fifteen days after the publication of decision.
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Regular Session Minutes
August 11, 2010
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SPECIAL PERMIT USE APPLICATION – Under Section 210.6.1 to allow
two electronic message center (EMC) signs associated with an existing new
automobile truck sales and service shopping center / mall on land located at
600 – 750 Connecticut Boulevard.
Assessors Map #5 Lots #153 & 154
Applicant: RRHT Trust Holding LLC
Upon a motion by Kathleen Salemi, seconded by John Ryan, the Commission Voted (7 -0) to Approve the above special permit application with the following conditions:
1. Final plans are to be signed and sealed by the professional engineer or surveyor licensed
in the State of Connecticut that is responsible for the work.
2. Provide a vicinity map per section 207.4.b.2 of the zoning regulations.
3. Provide the information on the plans required by sections 207.4.b.3.b, c, & d of the
zoning regulations.
4. Provide on the plan dimensions for layout and location of the proposed signs.
5. Graphically depict on the plans all existing utilities within the vicinity of the proposed
signs and their underground connections to existing utilities.
6. On the plans add notes for restoration of all disturbed areas with a minimum depth of
6” of topsoil and turf established.
7. Graphically depict on the plans landscaping that is to be relocated, replaced, or added
to accommodate the proposed signs.
8. Provide a photometric plan to demonstrate that the proposed signs comply with the
zoning regulations.
9. On the specification sheets for the Electronic Message Center signs, add a photocell
brightness control to adjust for day and night and specify that the sign is to have a
manual brightness control.
10. Provide all necessary details for construction on the plans for sign foundations,
underground electrical conduits, restoration, etc.
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SITE PLAN APPLICATION – 600-750 Connecticut Boulevard, Installation of two
electronic message center signs and other signage to an existing new automobile truck
sales and service shopping center / mall.
Applicant: RRHT Trust Holding LLC
Upon a motion by Kathleen Salemi, seconded by Travis Simpson, the Commission Voted (7 -0) to Approve the above site plan application with the following conditions:
1. Final plans are to be signed and sealed by the professional engineer or surveyor licensed
in the State of Connecticut that is responsible for the work.
2. Provide separate plans for each application and label accordingly.
3. Provide the information on the plans required by sections 705.2.b.2, 3, & 5 of the
zoning regulations.
Regular Session Minutes
August 11, 2010
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4. Add a site plan approval block and inspection note per section 705.2.e of the
5. Provide on the plan dimensions for layout and location of the proposed signs.
6. Provide all necessary details for construction on the plans for sign foundations,
underground electrical conduits, restoration, etc.
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TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICATION – Add new section to 402.2 Special
Permit Uses to allow “Extended – Stay Hotels” by special permit with specific
standards, and new wording to Section 200 definitions.
Applicant: East Hartford Town Planning and Zoning Commission
Upon a motion by Thomas Fitzgerald, seconded by Kathleen Salemi, the Commission Voted (7 -0) to Approve the above text amendment application with an effective date of fifteen days after the publication of decision with the following amendments:
1. Under section 1, revise the wording to the lot shall abut the I-84 right-of-way
for a minimum distance of (75) seventy-five feet.
2. Under section 5, revise the units of measure to square feet instead of feet.
3. Under Section 200 Definitions change the word from maximum stay of seven (7) days to minimum stay
of seven (7) days.
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- Dispostion of Willowbrook School, 95 Willowbrook Road
Upon a motion by Travis Simpson, seconded by John Ryan, the Commission Voted (7 -0) to to Approve the above 8-24 referral for the disposition of Willowbrook School at 95 Willowbrook Road.
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Action on Meadow Lane Farms Subdivision Maintenance Bond under section 6.3 of the East Hartford Subdivision Regulations (Tabled from the June 23, 2010 Regular Session Meeting)
Upon a motion by Travis Simpson, seconded by Kathleen Salemi, the Commission Voted (7 -0) to call the maintenance bond based on the submitted documents distributed to Commission members.
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Regular Session Minutes
August 11, 2010
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- Letter from Diane Paige’Blondet regarding 870 Burnside Avenue dated July 28, 2010
It was the consensus of the Commission to schedule a workshop on August 25, 2010 at 5:00 P.M. to discuss strategies for the re-use of 870 Burnside Avenue.
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Chairman Kayser stated that Jeanne Webb has resigned as Development Director and that John Choquette has been appointed interim Development Director.
John Grottole requested a project status update for Goodwin Village. It was the consensuses of the Commission, to have staff provide a project status update at the next meeting.
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The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Salemi, Secretary
Town Planning & Zoning Commission